Moments, Hobbies, Interests, People...


I go by the words "Every artist was first an amateur" - Ralph Walden;

Chess ♝

♙e4 player as White, ♞f6 or ♟d6 as Black FTW. You can challenge me at PunforPawn or CastleFTW!
My recent beautiful checkmate as black! (keeps updating)

Memorable moments

Left - The time when I met an Academic Idol - Yann LeCun;
Right - With the founders (Jags K. & Sek C.) of LatentAi for which I contributed at seed stage.

yannLeCun yannLeCun
Some Researchers/Techies I personally admire...

Selected individuals who I love interacting with in academics & beyond-
(Left) Shashank Hegde, PhD Candidate UMN, Twin Cities; & Sanjay Y., Google, CA
(Right) Karan Sikka, PhD, SRI Intl. colleague.

Shegde ksikka

Some peaks (mt.Blady, mt.Tallac) conquered during 2020 with hiking buddy Harsha Bhaskar. Many more to come..

Two things

Couple of things I absolutely love - My dog Chintu & my guitar (still learning..)


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